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My best friend and unbiological sister. My friendship with Emma is described perfectly in this picture. We're so weird and do random things like this alot. Every time we're together, we laugh so much. I'm so grateful for all the memories I've made with her and I can always count on her to be there. When this photo was taken, we were in Target looking at all the halloween costumes. Everywhere we go, there's always an opportunity to take a picture! 

This is a picture of my family and I at Disney World last June. This picture makes me happy because I'm so glad all four of us were able to go on such a magical vacation together. The last time we all went to Disney together was when I was six and my brother was nine. I've been to Disney World a total of four times and I will definitely never forget this particular trip.  

My senior year of high school, I participated in a program called Teacher Cadets. Basically, this was a class that taught you how to be a teacher. The best part of the whole class is actually being able to work with a teacher and their students. I was placed with a first grade class and I completely loved everything about coming into that school every day. This is the picture I took with all my kids on the very last day of being in class with them. This picture makes me happy because it really sparks a lot of memories and why I am passionate about becoming a teacher. 

I absolutely love anything that has to do with Disney. My favorite place is Disney World, some of my favorite movies are Disney movies, and I love listening to Disney music. I think this picture pretty much sums up my obsession and explodes with happiness. I love Disney World because it has the power to make everyone feel like a little kid again and it's truly the most magical place on earth. 

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