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Want to watch the full documentary? 

My Happy Reflection 

  This documentary, created by Roko Belic, is about people all around the world and how they've found their true happiness. In this film, a lot of the people seem to be very poor, some live in shacks and do not have the nicest clothes or the newest technology. For example, Manoj Singh, the man who pulls people on a rickshaw throughout the busy, crowded streets of Kolkata Slum, India. Him and his family live in a shack, where the roof is covered in tarps. Their food supply is minimal and they don't have actual beds to sleep in at night. The home looks like it could collapse at any moment. Unlike most people would be, Manoj is very happy and content with the way he lives. His happiness does not come from material things like nice clothes, a nice house, or loads of money. He says in the film that one way he feels happy is seeing his children's faces every time he comes home from work. 

  Manoj's happiness comes from his family, and the community he lives with. He's learned to thrive from the love and support around him, and he never feels bad for himself or his family. They do the best they can, and make the best out of every situation. I think that Manoj's mindset is this way because it's all he's ever known and he's satisfied. I believe that many people need to step back and look at the bigger picture. Many people, including myself, need to start being more grateful with what they have or where they're at in life. 

  Another example of genuine happiness comes from Louisiana. Roy Blanchard Sr. lives near a swamp, and his happiness comes from riding on his boat and enjoying all the wildlife nature has to offer. He says in the documentary that he loves it so much because "you never know what you're going to see". I noticed while I was watching him talk, he had the biggest smile across his face constantly. I think that if someone smiles like that while they're telling you about something they love, they must have a real passion for it. Roy's solution to his happiness is so simple, just being outdoors. Just listening to the stillness and wildlife can make him relaxed and at peace for a little while.  

  In conclusion, happiness can come in many forms and from many different sources. All the people in the film had one specific place, activity, or thing that made them the happiest. After watching this documentary, it makes me think of all the different things that make me happy. My happiness comes from many different people, places, and activities. As you explore my website, I hope you truly understand my happiness and why these certain things make me feel this way. 

The 50 little things:  

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